24" Animated African American Santa Claus with Lighted Tree

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This classic, present-bearing African American Santa Christmas Figure is donning his traditional red and white suit. You can add some holiday cheer by adding this Santa to any room in your home. Features gold wire glasses, round chubby cheeks and a friendly smile. Wearing a red and white traditional suit and hat aligned with faux fur and a thick black belt. There are gold accents to this piece.

Pair our wonderfully detailedĀ Santa Claus with a Mrs. Claus for the complete Christmas couple.

  • 1 count package
  • Size: 13" L x 7" W x 24" H
  • Animated standing Santa Claus decoration
  • Santa is holdingĀ a tree with mini lights in one hand
  • Santa is holding a bag of presents in the other hand
  • Perfect to display on a side table, mantle or on the floor
  • Features head turning and arm motions
  • AC power with UL approved adaptor
  • No assembly required
  • Recommended for indoor use only